Anatomy & Physiology: Syllabus

Anatomy Syllabus

Grand Meadow Public Schools

2023-2024 School Year


Instructor: Mr. Mike Keefe


Course Description


Anatomy is the study of body. In Anatomy you will learn body systems, organs, how muscles work, how bodies develop, bones, and more. This class will require a lot of memorizing structures and is heavy on medical vocabulary. There will be some dissection of tissues/organisms in this class and is meant as an upper level science for college bound students.  Semesters will be taught independently and there will be a final exam at the end of each semester.

Course Outline (subject to change)


1st Semester

Chapter 1-Intro to Anatomy and Physiology

Chapter 2-Chemical Level of Organization (overview)

Chapter 3-Cell Structure (overview)

Chapter 4-Tissue Level (overview)

Chapter 5-Integumentary System

Chapter 6-Skeletal System

Chapter 7-Muscular System

Chapter 8-Neural Tissue

2nd Semester


Chapter 9-Peripheral Nervous System

Chapter 10-Sensory Function

Chapter 11-Endocrine

Chapter 12-Blood/Chapter 13 Heart

Chapter 15-Lymphatic

Chapter 16-Respiratory System

Chapter 19-Urinary System

Chapter 20 Reproductive


Grading: Quarter grades will be based on total points using the following scale:

A 100-94% B+ 89-87% C+ 79-77% D+ 69-67%

A- 93-90% B 86-84% C 76-74% D 66-64%

B- 83-80% C- 73-70% D- 63-60%

Below 60% is an F


It is important to remember that a student will not be given a grade by the teacher; rather you the student earns the grade.










Weighting of Grades


70% Tests/Quizzes

Tests will be given after completion of one or more chapters. Quizzes are worth fewer points and are given more frequently. If you miss either-you are required to make it up within two days of being back or you will lose 10% per day late.


30% Coursework

Work where students are required to work together will be counted as such.

Late work will be accepted for up to one week for half credit. After one week-it will be a zero in the grade book.

Completion of daily bell work


Everyone will be expected to take the final exam and it will be worth 20% of your final semester grade. Each quarter is worth 40% of your final grade.


Class Rules-

  1. Be ready when the bell rings. Bell work will be on the board-make sure you are in your seat working on it when the bell rings.


  1. Be respectful. This covers not only to your classmates, but to staff and the building/classroom.


  1. Be responsible. You are a high school student and you are required to act like it.


Food/Drink----Water bottles are allowed at the desk, but not in the lab. No food is allowed.


Hall Passes----You have enough time between classes to use the bathroom, get a drink, and gather all your materials you will need for class. You will not be allowed to leave for any of these reasons once the bell rings.


I expect that each and every one of you have the ability to do great in this class. It is up to you to fulfill that expectation. This class will require hard work both in class and out of class. You will be challenged and I expect you will meet those challenges. The best way to have success is to stay on top of assignments. This class will be as fun as you let it be. Get ready for a great upcoming year in Anatomy.


Mr. Keefe


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