News Article
Superlark Volunteer Cord Program

Hello 8th Grade Parents and Students,


Eighth Graders are invited to participate in the Superlark Volunteer Cord Program starting this summer of your incoming 9th grade school year.  This is NOT mandatory but has been an excellent program to get students involved in volunteering and it looks great when applying for scholarships, colleges, jobs, etc.


  • Details of the Program: Details of the program and what is expected can be found on the school website (Student Tab then Superlark Volunteer Cord Program)  
  • Hours:  Each year in high school, you are required to volunteer for at least 40 hours/year.  Summer hours can be applied to the school year ahead OR school year behind.  By the time you are a Senior, you will have completed a minimum of 160 hours
  • Tracking Hours/Log:  The details about the program are outlined in the attached link on our school website.  Each student must keep a log of their hours and have the supervising adult sign off.  These logs are collected after the summer and after each quarter in the school year.  
  • What qualifies as volunteering?  Please look over what items qualify for volunteering.  Helping family members does NOT count.  It is part of your responsibility as a family member.  Please contact me if you are unsure if it will count.  

If you plan to be part of the Superlark Volunteer Program, please follow these steps:

1.  Email Mrs. Glynn ( let me know you are planning to be in this group

2.  Send me the best email to get ahold of the student so I can forward volunteer opportunities

3.  Send me parents emails so I can put them on the distribution list


Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Glynn and the Cord Committee

Author: Paul Besel   E-Mail: