News Article
COVID Bus Routes
We had a few questions about transportation after the first day of school for grades 7-12 and wanted to clarify before we welcome everyone back tomorrow. Attached you will find the bus routes for 2020-2021 school year. Disclaimer: our model of instruction for the 2020-2021 school year was based on phone survey about parents willing to transport their children to and from school to meet our capacity or 1/2 capacity guidelines on buses. Moving further we will only be making accommodations and changes for new students entering the school district. We cannot change bussing for weather related circumstances. 
Students should not be riding any other bus than the one they are assigned to. Students should not ride a friend's bus, ride to a birthday party, ride to family members' house, etc.
If there are any bussing questions, they need to be brought to our Transportation Director by calling the Elementary Office at 507-754-5310.
Author: Paul Besel   E-Mail: