News Article
Distance Learning Expectations 

Student, Teacher and Parent Expectations



PARENTS: On a distance learning day, parents will:

? Monitor student progress on distance learning day activities

? Communicate questions for teachers via email

? E-mail your child’s teacher in the event their child is ill or will not be able to do instruction


**Reminder, you are not expected to be your child’s teacher, but we truly appreciate you helping guide them through this process**



? Participate in distance learning day activities

? Complete distance learning day assignments

? Communicate questions to teachers via email or other appropriate digital medium

? Attend Virtual Classes ?via Google Hangouts/Meet/Remind/Zoom following distance learning schedule

? Submit coursework/assignments for Collaborative Learning days

? Observe good virtual etiquette



? Conduct Virtual classes? via Google Hangouts/Meet following block schedule

? Post learning goals, activities and assignments

? Contact/check-in with all students via email, Schoology message, and/or google classroom and monitor email and other digital communications to answer questions and provide feedback to students during distance learning times

? Take attendance on Distance Learning days


ATTENDANCE: For attendance we are planning to have teachers report once a week at the end of the week. At the beginning of the week they will give students all the "assignments" (could be traditional assignments, participation in discussions or chats, etc.) that are expected for the week. All assignments are due by Friday night, and attendance will be based on completion of those assignments. Teachers will complete their attendance daily and at the end of the week. This is very different than the traditional way we are used to doing attendance, but it seems appropriate for distance learning.

STUDENT ABSENCE: If students are ill or have an appointment, parents or students should contact teacher. Unless students notify teachers they will be expected to be online each day and complete and turn in classroom activities.

TEACHER ABSENCE: If a teacher is unable to be present for class (illness, personal leave, appointment, etc.), they will leave student expectations for the day via email, Schoology, infinite campus, etc. This will look similar to what they would leave for a substitute, but they would not be present to answer questions or help students on this day.


Principal E-News

Grand Meadow Public School


Please do not respond to this e-mail. This is an informational communication provided by the school.

Author: Paul Besel   E-Mail: